

graceful例句 2023-12-28 19:38 882 墨鱼


14、The area can be verypainfuluntil scabs form after about ten days.(这个部位会非常疼痛,直到大约十天后结了痂为止。15、Remarks like that brought backpainfulmemo英文例句大全为您提供painful英文例句大全,词语painful造句,关于painful的句子,painful怎么造句,painful英文例句大全有哪些,哪些句子是关于painful,painful的句子,painful如

18. I bit my tongue yesterday and it is painful. 昨天我咬到了舌头,很痛。-- 来源-- 英汉- 翻译样例好评(10) 差评() 19. Though extremely painful, its effects a1、Every move was painful. 2、Making money is painful. 3、a painful experience, memory 4、sustained dull painful emotion. 5、It was horribly painful

∪△∪ in pain造句简单1. After the accident, she was in pain for weeks. 2. He was in so much pain that he couldn't even stand up. 3. The athlete played through the pain1、A slow progression,painful towitness. 2、Their efforts werepainful towatch. 3、He found it extremelypainful tomove to boarding schools. 4、My ank

>▂< painful造句如下:1、Shingles is a painful viral infection of the nerve roots. 带状疱疹是一种引起神经根疼痛的病毒感染。2、Yet without painful surgery, there is a 11. I shut out the memory which was too painful to dwell on. 我不再去回忆那些痛苦不堪的往事了。12. The readjustment to peace and home is slow and painful. 重新适应和平


标签: delegate造句简单



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