

least造句简单并翻译 2023-12-27 11:22 852 墨鱼


1、Atleastone hostage was beheaded in that room.(至少有一名人质在那个房间被斩首。2、It'll take a year, at the veryleast.(这至少需要一年时间。3、Her remarks we4、least-risk bomb location 5、Or atleastAmish. 6、leastsignificant bit 7、AtleastI tried. AtleastI did that. 8、leastcircle of confusion = circle o

atleast造句atleast造句如下:1、It'll cost at least 500 dollars. 这东西至少要花500元。2、At least he knew right from wrong. 至少他明白是非。3、At least they dieleast造句1.You should go at least once. 【翻译】你至少应该去一次。2.I resolved to visit mygrandmother at least once a year. 【翻译】我决定每年至少要去看望祖母

6、Having not the least clue 7、The greatest talkers are the least doers. 8、Not the least in the world. 9、Use the least number of diagrams. 10、Thi单词LEAST 例句大全,用单词LEAST造句:Accommodation was basic to say theleast. 往轻里说是住宿条件简陋。Cannot accomplish take exercise everyday, atleasttertian und

1、So far,at least. 2、Bringat least50resumes. 3、Orat leastAmish. 4、APPEARANCES,at least, were impressive. 5、Orat leasta makeover. 6、not less thaShe came when we least expected her.她在我们最意料不到的时候来了。He worked hardest but was paid least.他工


标签: Percent造句



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