
用far from造句,用be kind to造句

用onfoot造句子 2023-06-10 14:42 459 墨鱼

用far from造句,用be kind to造句

is far from home.大卫的学校离家里很远祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!请记得采纳,谢谢!*^__^*)far from造句复制1、There's been no comment sofar frompolice about the allegations.(到目前为止还没有来自警方的对那些指控的任何解释。2、Is Chinatownfar fromhere

It's difficult to seefar fromin a sentence. 用far from造句挺难的Sofar fromloving him , i hate him . 我非但不爱他,反而恨他。One remained in shadow, notfar fromthfar from 1.远离The railway station isfar from here.火车站离这里很远。Shanghai is not far fromhere.上海离这儿不远。2.远远不;完全不;非但不…反而The

↓。υ。↓ 例句1:That is a far cry from 1933 when 25% of the labor force was unemployed.这与1933年25%的劳动力失业的情况相去甚远。例句2:This new film by the Chinese director Zhan21、Being dyslexic does not mean that one is unintelligent.far fromit.(诵读困难并不意味着人不聪明。绝非如此。22、It's stillfar fromclear what actio

The school is far from my home学校离我家很远。The sun is really far from the earth太阳离地球很远很远far from造句1. The food at that restaurant was far from delicious. 2. The weather today is far from ideal for a picnic. 3. His behavior was far from acceptable i

∩▽∩ 1. Far from being happy, he felt miserable. 这个句子的意思是“远离快乐,他感觉很糟糕。”这里的far from表示情感或者状态相反,情感状态和表达的含义不同。这个短语通常用23、My hometown is not far away from me. It'sfar fromenough. It's not an hour's drive. 24、If you think you are good and you are hypocritical, you


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