
come over,Come over的词性

Come over的现在分词 2023-09-24 23:35 119 墨鱼
Come over的现在分词

come over,Come over的词性

|drop over/take hold;过来;顺便来访;抓住网络扩展资料单词:come over 解释"come over" 是一个动词短语,表示到达或来访。它可以表示来访或到达某个地方的动作或状态。例..e over重复播放v. 过来过来,抓住英文解释动词:1. communicate the intended meaning or impression; 相似"He came across very clearly" 看、听、说What? Come o

come over 美[kʌm ˈovɚ] 英[kʌm ˈəuvə] na.从远方来;从敌方)过来;变挂;〔口语〕欺骗网络顺便来访;抓住;丰田来未第三人称单数:comes over现在分词:coming over过去..e over基本解释过来;突然感到;顺便来访;在上空[上方]经过网络释义1. 走过来2. 顺便来访,过来3. 过来,顺便来访4. 走过去5. 抓住6. 馏出come over的用法和例句提示

come over 读音汉语翻译过来【建】馏出英语解释:动词come over: communicate the intended meaning or impression 同义词:come across 例句:I guess I couldcome over..e oversb支配Hey, Han Jia,come overhere. 哎,韩佳。快过来。Come overagain in the future, please. 以后请再来家玩。No,uh,don'tcome over.I'll,um,come to you. 别


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