

给某人某物英文两种 2023-01-06 00:30 663 墨鱼


(*?↓˙*) give sb sth或者give sth to sb.Q4:给某人某物的短语用英语怎么说用两种说法zdyan give sb. sth. 或give sth. to sb. Q5:把某人关起来英语怎么说将某人投入监狱put sb in pris

return sth to sb给某人提供某物的英文表达为:give sth to sb/give sb sth/offer sb sth。例如:Would you like to give me your name?(能告诉我你的名字吗? give sth. to sb

为某人买某物的英语短语例子为某人买某物的英文表达:1、buy sb sth 2、buy sth for sb 动词buy可以接双宾语,buy sb sth. 即及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语。但也可以使用单宾语结构,给某人提供某物的英语短语例句:可用于向某人提供某物或邀请某人做某事。You use "Can I", "Could I", and "Shall I" when you offer to help someone. 这一问题询问一个原

give sth to sb;give sb sthto sb. 给某人读某物11.ten times 十次12.finally=at last=in the end 最后,最终13.be surprised at sth. 对某事感到吃惊be surprised to do sth. 做某事感到很吃惊新授

送给某人某物= send sth. to sb. take sb. sth. 带给某人某物take sth. to sb. throw sb. sth. 扔给某人某物= throw sth. to sb. leave sb. sth. 物留给某人某= leave s短语:1、give aid to 给…予帮助2、first aid 急救;急救护理3、financial aid 经济援助;助学金;财政补助4、legal aid 法律援助5、in aid of 用以援助…


标签: 让某人做某事用英语短语怎么说



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