

provide from意思 2023-08-27 19:53 197 墨鱼
provide from意思


14. The controller 218 communicates with the host in order to receive commands and data from the host, and provide data and status information to the host. 控制器The meaning of PROVIDE FOR is to cause (something) to be available or to happen in the future. How to use provide for in a sentence.

这个from 我翻译成"除了以外"了provide的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:双解释义v.(动词) vt. & vi. 提供,供给,供应cause or arrange from (sb) to have or use (sth needed or useful); supply

+▽+ 再Name 输入:rp-provide-from-last 运行就可以看到源代码了rp-provide-from-last p0000 ' ' pn-begda pn-endda. 就是在那个pn-begda,pn-endda日期之间有效并且是最新的一条记录provide 提供,供应,规定pro-,提前,vid,看,词源同evident,visit.即提前看到的,有预见性的,引申词义准备,未雨绸缪,后用于指提供,供应,规定等。英文词源provide provide: [15] The -vide of provid

vt. & vi. 提供,供给,供应cause or arrange from (sb) to have or use (sth needed or useful); supply vt. 规定state a special arrangement that must be fulfilled 英英释From Longman Business Dictionaryprovide forsomebody/somethingphrasal verb[transitive]1to give someone the things they need, such as money, food etcWithout work, how can I provide for


标签: provide for sb



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