

英语作文 2023-09-30 14:59 370 墨鱼


1、作文题型分类2、写作技巧3、范文解析4、实用工具5、万能模板句负一、写在前面-1.1字迹这里不得的再次强调一下字迹的重要性,可以说好的字迹决定了成功的一半,就网上流行观点选择类作文模板There is no consensus among people as to the view of(___).The opinions vary from person to person.Some people hold the idea that(___).A case in

⊙^⊙ 篇1:正反观点高中英语作文作文给出观点正反观点二选一(有的人认为,有的人认为,你的观点) There is a widespread concern over the issue that___(The majority think that___(观点下面是小编为你收集的英语作文万能模板,欢迎浏览。1、英语批驳类作文万能模板:批驳现象、观点、做法。1)Today more and more people ___. They argue ___ has several advantag

背传统模板局限性大跟着作文形式走你背了XXX has been on rise/ decrease dramatically from_XXX in _XXX to XXX in XXX . It is well know to us that the proverb “”…【“英语作文模板”】你要是不嫌弃,完全可以照搬着拿去用。如果不会组合或者刚开始写的时候感觉很困难

高考英语作文万能模板一、表达个人观点句型1. As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter opinion to some extent. 就我而言,在某种程度上我同意后者的观点。2. As far高分英语作文1:Personal views With the rapid development and popularization of information technology, online shopping has become a fashion, especial

ˇωˇ 1、观点类:表达⾃⼰的观点(1)Different people have different views on ___. Some people think that ___, while others argue that ___.As far as I am concerned, I agr一.首先你要知道,短时间内想要作文突分,那势必就得借助模板(现实就是这样)但是,很多人可能理解错了


标签: 表达自己观点的英语万能模板



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