09-28 285
用relation造句 |
单词kindness 释义单词释义:仁慈,善行;友好的行为[更多..] 单词造句kindness造句复制1、My father's gentlekindnesstaught me a lesson which I would never forget.(父亲的温柔和友善给我上了一堂永生难忘的课。2、He iskindnesspersonif
1、Kindness always begetskindness. --Sophocles 2、Herkindnessbaffled description. 3、mistakenkindness, zeal, etc 4、He iskindnesspersonified. 5、siskindness的造句1. Kindness is a virtue that should be practiced by everyone, regardless of their background or beliefs. 2. The simple act of kindness can brighten
kindness英语造句,1、to repay kindness with interest加倍报答好意2、He is entranced by the kindness of her smile.她善意的微笑令他着迷。3、H用kindness造句简单用kindness简单造句如下:1、I thanked them for the many kindnesses they showed me. 我感谢他们对我的许多帮助。2、He has done me many kindnesses
用kindness造句简单的句子优选好句42句1、所以这并不意味着去做横纵字谜游戏。2、Idon'tmeanavoiddoingthingsperfectly. 3、但投资印度并不意味着在该国开展业务变容易了,而是显示1、But I believe thatkindness is repaid with kindness. 2、i will repay yourkindness in our next life. 3、I instilled the need forkindness into my chi
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标签: 用treasure造句