

九年级英语sectionB 2b 2023-12-16 11:45 261 墨鱼
九年级英语sectionB 2b


九年级英语第六单元2b课文翻译你知道篮球是什么时候发明的吗?Do you know when basketball was invented? 篮球是一项许多人都喜爱的积极运动,它既有趣又能健身。basketball 我正在加拿大愉快的拜访我的姨妈。她在这工作,我要去上夏季学校。我正在学习英语并且学到了很多。我也正在拜访我的

6、七年级英语书下册第四单元2b原文DearDr。知道吗,有很多规矩!At600,我妈妈说“起床整理床铺”。早餐后,我妈妈总是说,“不要把脏鱼放在厨房里!在那之后,我们有更多的规则不九年级上册英语第七单元2b原文2b Read the followingletter .Underlinethe subjectsyumeilikes .Circle the subjects she doesn't like . Areyumei'sideas the same asyours ? Dearjenny , I am

She also has a teenage granddaughter about me age who is really kind. She always talks to me in French to help me practice. you wouldn't believe how quickly my French h2、如你看到网页展示的文档有水印,是因预览和防盗链等技术需要对部份页面进行转换压缩成图而已,我们并不对上传的文档进行任何编辑或修改,文档下

students 九年级的学生有一定的英语语言基础,但对长篇的阅读,缺少阅读策略的指导,甚至部分学生看到句子较长,内容偏多就产生畏难情绪;作为毕业年级的他们在学业Section A 2b Listen again. What are Kathy’s and Molly’s reasons? Number their reasons in the correct order. Kathy: Hi, Molly. Where’s your brothe

Li Wenis a normal fifteen -year old boy from the countryside .He works very hard and does well in is hard to believe that he used to have 第九单元Section B 2b部分朗读2b Read the following letter .Underline the subjects yu mei likes .Circle the subjects she doesn't like . Are yu mei's ideas the same as y


标签: 九年级英语第七单元2b翻译



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