
be born的用法,be born in和be born with的区别

born的各种形式 2022-12-26 09:35 520 墨鱼

be born的用法,be born in和be born with的区别

be born 有表示生来就与生俱来的天性他们天生就性格安静 不爱说话言语不多表示"出生"要用be born,并且动词be通常只用was 或were 。be born后可跟形容词、名词或不同的介词,表达意思也不同。请看:一、be born + 形容词(名词)。She w

≥^≤ be born 后可跟形容词、名词或不同的介词,表达意思也不同。请看:一、be born + 形容词(名词)。She was born happy. 她生来就很幸福。He was born French. 他生为法国人五、be born + with, 表示“天赋;命运”。He was born with a good memory. 他生来记性就好。六、be born+ to do, 表示“生而为;生来就是”。She was born to succee

先说be 动词的一般过去时用法:be 是原形,在现在时中,有三个形式:am,is,are,而在过去时中,am和is 变成was,are 变成were。也就是说,be 的过去式有两个:was 和were,was 用于单数的10. be used for 被用于……【考点详解】1. invent v. 发明inventor n. 发明家invention n. 发明2. be used for doing 用来做…是被动语态)(这个短语

≥△≤ be born的用法相关知识点:解析1 She was born in Shanghai in October 2000.2 She is born a rich woman / She is born rich3 She is born to be my girl-friend.反馈收藏be born 用法点滴1. be born 的时态1) 当我们说某人出生于某时或某地,只能用一般过去时was born 或were born,不能用一般现在时。例如:When and where we


标签: be born in和be born with的区别



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