

用takes造句子简单 2023-09-24 11:03 392 墨鱼


take造句1、Take action immediately! Yes, right now! Start brainstorming your adventure goals.马上行动!是的,马上!开始思考你的冒险目标。2、It was good of you to tai will take a train to shanghai tomorrow.我乘坐火车去上海Let's take shelter from the storm.咱找地方躲避风暴查看完整答案为你推荐查看更多花的造句桃,花之妖媚者也;兰,

⊙0⊙ 1.I take my bag and book to school.2.Will you take my bag to the taxi?3.Can l take my goldfish to school?4.Take my kids to school every morning.望采纳。take的用法及造句例子?一、拿,取I want to take some books to the classroom. 我想拿些书到教室。二、吃,喝,服用,放① Take this medicine three times

用take造句. 相关知识点:试题来源:解析1.I take my bag and book to school.2.Will you take my bag to the taxi?3.Can l take my goldfish to school?4.Take my kids to 1、Youtakeforward,and I'lltakecenter. 2、takepossession of;takecontrol of 3、Take away fuel,takeaway flame. 4、I seldomtakeexercises. 5、Pleasetaket

ˋωˊ take造句1、He took the elevator to the fifth floor. 2、I took the bus to school this morning. 3、She took a few days off work to relax. 4、I took a taxi to the a.🔹 Take a break 休息一下🔹Take a bite 咬一口🔹Take a chance 冒险一试🔹Take a look 看一眼🔹Take a bath/shower 洗澡🛀🔹Take a seat 请坐下🔹Take a taxi 打车🚗🔹Take a boa

1、Youtakeforward,and I'lltakecenter. 2、takepossession of;takecontrol of 3、Take away fuel,takeaway flame. 4、I seldomtakeexercises. 5、Pleasetaket1.I will take on a new secretary. 雇用

2.Do not take on more work than you do. 承担,接受


标签: take乘坐造句



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