
arrive at造句简单,a kind of造句简单

look like造句简单 2023-08-25 20:18 593 墨鱼
look like造句简单

arrive at造句简单,a kind of造句简单

6、arrive atthe destination after three reaches 7、Physics canarrive atuniversally valid uniformities. 8、Which airport will youarrive at? 9、We expearrive造句以下是一些使用arrive的句子:The train will arrive at the station in 15 minutes. (火车将在15分钟后到达车站。She arrived home late last night. (她昨晚晚

≥▂≤ arrive at造句复制1、Iarrive atthe appointed time.(那天我按约定时间准时到了。2、Down the sidewalk, through the garden and you willarrive atthe library.(走下人5、下班回家至少得花一个小时。6、Ittakesatleastanhourtogethomefromwork. 7、反义词:later 8、没有ateast这个词哦,应该是atleast吧9、我2分钟内到家。10

arrive at造句:1、We arrived at home at 8 p.m.我们下午8点到家。2、We arrived at the party at 9 o`clock.我们9点钟到达晚会。3、we arrived at the vil一般将来时:When will you arrive at Beijing tomorrow?现在进行时表将来时:We are arriving at school.现在完成时:Have you ever arrived at school?过去完成

17、Theywon'tarriveforatleasttwohoursyet.他们至少要过两个小时才能到。18、你必须在规定时间到达。19、Hehasarrivedinthistownformanyyears. 20、arrivei5、arrive at seven prompt = arrive prompt at seven 6、We should arrive before dark. 7、Please arrive on time, honey. 8、You're the twelfth to arrive

arrive at造句简单翻译1、网络到校;2、WewillarriveinBeijingtomorrowmorning. 3、她总是第一个到达学校的学生。4、arriveat释义:5、你们最后做了什么决定?12、Five minutes after Naturam arrived, Abdi and Kakarearrived atBilla's apartment in a light carriage. 13、When hearrived atthe beach, there weren'


标签: a kind of造句简单



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