

driver造句简单带翻译六年级 2022-12-26 01:16 373 墨鱼


send an e-mail的发音:sorry,there is no send an e-mail's voice. 单词解释发电子邮件与send an e-mail 相关的例句Let's send an E-mail to Dad. 让我们发一封电子邮件给send 常考释义v. 发送,寄;派遣;发射;传达变形词现在分词sending 第三人称单数sends 过去式sent 过去分词sent 雅思常考例句In return, we’llsendyou (Q16)

+▽+ 5、send oneself into exile 6、send goods, documents, information 7、Send queue tasks to process messages on the send queue. 8、God send you good spesend可以带双宾语,即:sendsbsth=sendsthtosb:送某样东西.sendsbtosp:把某人送到某地。sendfor:派人去请。sendaway开除。sendup发射。sendout发送出去。send基本含义v.邮寄;发送;传达

01、“发信息”不是send message 发信息老外直接说text sb.就是给某人留言例句:①I'll text you as soon as I get home. 我一到家就给你发信息。②Text me when you arrive.I’ll send for it. 请稍等。我会派人去取的。Please send for a doctor. 请派人去请医生。Send in 递送;呈报;派遣(军队等) I have sent my application form and recommen

∩▽∩ send 造句/ 例句1. Do you want tosendan E-mail? 你想发一封电子邮件吗?《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》2. I'llsendit to you as a PDF. 我会用PDF格式把它发给你。《牛津词1、If you fit the bill, send a CV to Rebecca Rees.如果你符合这些要求,送一份履历给丽贝卡·里斯。2、To put or send to bed.使睡觉放或送到床上3、S : Then you can se

单词Send 例句大全,用单词Send造句:senda signal by waving a flag or a light according to a certain code 挥舞旗帜作为一种信号Why would theysenda chopper for a guy send 1.发送,寄[O1][O2][(+to)]She sent me a Christmas card.她给我寄来一张圣诞贺卡.Please have this note sent to Mr.Harrison.请派人把这张条子送给哈里森先


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