
for sure造句,excuseme造句

as aresult造句 2023-09-24 12:45 370 墨鱼
as aresult造句

for sure造句,excuseme造句

I know for sure 我心里明白,我知道. But For Sure 但确; 只有一点可以肯定扩展资料One thing is for sure ─ it's not going to be easy. 有一点可以肯B: Great! I'll see you there, for sure. 在这句对话中,B表达的意思是“真的吗?我肯定会看到你的。”例句2: A: Are you sure you want to do this? 。B: Yes, for sure

2、He'll comefor sure. 3、It'll workfor sure. 4、Mr. Shaw: Oh,for sure. 5、Nevertheless, doesn’t the unseen existfor sure? 6、But no one knowsfor 1、One thing is for sure ─ it's not going to be easy. 有一点可以肯定——事情不会很容易。2、I think he'll be back on Monday, but I can't say for su

for sure造句复制1、It'll workfor sure.(肯定能成功的。2、No one knowsfor surewhen or why it began to symbolize peace.(没有人确切地知道它是什么时候或者为什么开One thing is for sure ─ its not going to be easy. 有一点可以肯定——事情不会很容易。No one knows for sure what happened. 谁也不知道究竟发生了什么

单词for sure 例句大全,用单词for sure造句:For sure, were headed for a time of abundance, at least in quantity. 毫无疑问,我们正迈向一个信息丰富的时代。It was lat5. but it's too early to know for sure.但我现在还不能决定。6. You can't say for sure that it won't rain tomorrow.明天难保不下雨。7. No one knows f

●﹏● for sure造句for sure造句1. I will be there for sure, no matter what happens. 2. He is for sure the best candidate for the job. 3. I know for sure that I left my for sure造句1、I don't know for sure because I don't look ahead in the scripts.没提前看剧本所以我也不是很清楚。2、I thought she understood for sure the kind I wa


标签: excuseme造句



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