
call me的用法,call翻译成中文

callout用法 2023-12-30 21:18 705 墨鱼

call me的用法,call翻译成中文

详情请查看视频回答一、call 译为“打电话”1、call sb. = call sb. up 给某人打电话I was watching TV when you called me (up). 你给我打电话的时候,我正在看电视。Please call me at any

一、call 译为“打电话”1、call sb. = call sb. up 给某人打电话I was watching TV when you called me (up). 你给我打电话的时候,我正在看电视。Please call me at any time8. Pleasecallmeat the first/earliest opportunity. 请一有机会就给我打电话。9. Don ' tcallmelizzie . i ' m not in kindergarten 不要叫我丽莎,我现在不是在幼儿园10. If on

例句:I will give him a ring tonight 我今晚给他打了个电话。3、call sb call sb=打电话给某人 call sb up=回想动词用法:1. 作及物动词:叫;呼唤;叫来:例如Call a doctor at once. 快点叫个医生来。I called you but you didn’t hear me. 我喊你,但你却没听见。称(某人)为……,取名:例

ˋ^ˊ〉-# I'll certainly call on you if I come again. 再来的话,一定去拜访你。2、用作及物动词例句:I called him to the door. 我把他叫到门口。The teacher called me into hicallout1.召集:使集中;召唤:callouttheguard.将卫兵集合起来2.挑起斗争callup1.征召:召集服兵役:calledupreservetroopsforactiveduty.征召后备役军人服役2.唤起:使人


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