

yourself后面加什么介词 2023-11-06 12:45 741 墨鱼


短语搭配1. for yourself 为你自己2. by yourself 独自地,单独地3. do it yourself 自己动手干双语例句1. You'd better go to an annual meeting of the company byyour常用短语for yourself为你自己by yourself独自地,单独地do it yourself自己动手干单词解说yourself是单数第二人称反身代词,其复数形式是yourselves。yourself在句中可

1. be yourself 行为自然;不做作The best thing you can do is to go into the interview and just be yourself. 你最明智的选择就是进去面试时自然地表现自己。2. (all) by your1. be yourself 行为自然;不做作The best thing you can do is to go into the interview and just be yourself. 你最明智的选择就是进去面试时自然地表现自

yourself 习惯用语(all) by yourself■你单独地;你独立地Be yourself!■[口]镇静点儿!别慌张!How's yourself?■[俚](答复对方“How are you?”的客套话)你呢?你也好吗?考常见搭配2:enjoy yourself 玩得开心(enjoy oneself) Enjoy yourself tonight.(祝你)今晚玩得开心。Tips:yourself pron. 你自己,而yourselves pron. 你们自己以上就是基础阶

6. let yourself go 这个短语有两个意思,第一是放任自流;不修边幅。It's easy to let yourself go when you've got small kids. 有了小孩后很容易就不注意打扮了。第二是完全放松5. despite yourself 6. in spite of oneself 7. for oneself 8. of oneself make something of oneself make a fool of yourself 9. (all) by yourself (all) by itself (al


标签: 如何辨别百科代编的真假



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