

close的现在完成时形式 2022-12-27 17:05 659 墨鱼


关于close的短语搭配close用作动词时可以与以下词性:1、名词,如:close a bargain 成交;close a door 关门2、副词,如:close tightly 紧闭;close over 淹没3下面再介绍两个关于close的短语:behind closed door behind closed doors的意思是“hidden or kept secret from the public, or without an audience or crowd watching”,即“秘

?▽? close:语气强于near。指时间、地点或程度方面的接近,有紧靠、相邻的意味。near:语气弱于close,也指时间或空间上的接近,但无“紧接,接触”的含义。nearby:指距离上很近,近在咫短语动词close in: (1) when the days close in, they become gradually shorter during the autumn/fall (秋季白天)逐渐变短(2) if the weather closes in , it gets worse (天

∩▂∩ 词组、短语、俚语及习惯用语•close a bargain 成交。达成协议。•close a deal 达成一项协议。完成一项交易。•close aboard 紧靠船边。•close about 包围。•cl含close的短语有:close-at-hand、close-by、close-in、close-up、be close to、close about、close with、close over、close down等。扩展资料I made a point

˙▂˙ Close your ears 不愿听;掩耳不听Close your eyes to sth 对…视而不见;不理会Close to the vest 小心谨慎,避免冒险Close relationship 密切的关系Close relative 近亲属;至亲解析答案:Please close the door.核心短语/词汇:close the door:关上们解析:考查祈使句的用法,其构成是动词原形加其他成分,祈使句省略了主语you,关上门是close the door,前

含close的短语有:close-at-hand、close-by、close-in、close-up、be close to、close about、close with、close over、close down等。扩展资料I made a point of closing aclose on接近,差不多;close to接近,大约;close to home中肯;after the close结束后;at the close结束时;before the close结束前;near a close行将结束;towards the close即


标签: close的用法



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