
初中keep用法和短语,keep sth加什么

keep常见搭配和用法 2023-12-28 22:51 940 墨鱼

初中keep用法和短语,keep sth加什么

a little / a few / a lot / a type of / a great many / many a / in a hurry / in a minute / in a word / in a short while / after a while / have a cold / have a try / kee构成系表结构:keep+表语,意为"保持,继续(处于某种状态)"。其中表语可用形容词、副词、介词短语等充当。如:You must look after yourself and keep healthy.(形容词)你必须照

(There be句型和介词短语) 4.I think ride a bike can keep our health。改正:I think riding a bike can keep us healthy。动名词作主语) 建议大家练习或模仿不同题材的文章,特1. keep+形容词。如:You must look after yourself and keep healthy. 你必须照顾好自己并保持健康。2. keep+副词。如:Danger! Keep out!危险!别进来!3. keep+介

初中关于keep的短语【初中】1、keep to ,意思是坚持、保持、遵守、固守;2、keep back ,意思是隐瞒、阻止、阻挡、留在后面;3、keep on ,意思是继续进行、继续不断、反复地做keep是一个动词,用法:keep+形容词表示“保持某种状态”,keep+名词+形容词表示“使某人/某物处于某种状态”。keep doing sth表示“一直做某事”;keep on doing sth表示“反复做某事

o(╯□╰)o 【keep, remain, stay用法区别】① keep “保持……状态”(强调“主动保持”),后接形容词或介词短语,比如:alive, awake, cheerful, silent, dry, well, fit, fine, close, clean, keep的常用短语:keep down 抑制,控制,使下降。如:The government is trying to keep prices down.政府正在设法降低物节keep off 避开,防止,挡住。如:Danger, keep off.危险,


标签: keep sth加什么



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