
porridge 的例句,politician造句

carriage造句 2023-12-18 23:53 384 墨鱼

porridge 的例句,politician造句

原声例句1." Porridge? Muffins? Kippers? Bacon and eggs? Toast? " “粥?松饼?熏鱼?火腿鸡蛋?面包?”「哈利波特与凤凰社」2.My porridge! Who are you? How'd you get i双语例句1. Their room was bare of furniture and they lived offporridge. 他们家徒四壁,靠喝粥度日。来自柯林斯例句2. They lived frugally off a diet ofporridgeand lentils.

例句与用法1. The porridge is too thick .粥熬得太糨了。2. I had porridge .我吃麦片粥。3. There was no cloth to lay, the meals were either of oatmeal porridge orporridge英[ˈpɒrɪdʒ]您的浏览器不支持audio 标签。美[ˈpɔrɪdʒ]您的浏览器不支持audio 标签。CET4TEM4GRECET6 n. 粥;麦片粥;稀饭;肉汤记忆法添加记忆法

porridge一般作为名词使用,在常见短语或俚语中出现较多。英语例句1. Medlar porridge: winter medlar appropriate conjee, it can and various porridge product is tie-in. 翻译:porridge英音:['pɔridʒ] 美音:['pɔ:ridʒ] 不可数名词:1.麦片粥2.面糊,粥英英释义soft food made by boiling oatmeal or other meal or legumes in water or milk until thick

辞典例句I ate a big bowl ofporridge. 我喝了一大碗稀饭. 期刊摘选Peaseporridgein the pot, nine days old. 豌豆粥在罐子里放了九天. 期刊摘选Someone's been and eatenporridge 面糊,粥改写自pottage,浓汤,肉汁,词源同pot.可能是受中古英语porray(韭菜汤)影响,来自拉丁语porrum,韭菜。引申词义面糊,粥。porridge 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义


标签: politician造句



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