

prohibit造句 2023-09-24 16:45 126 墨鱼


subscribe英语造句,1、We do not subscribe to this theory.我们不能认同这项理论。2、A registered elector is entitled to subscribe onlysubscribe的解释及造句精选今天我们要学的词是subscriber。Subscriber, 订阅用户。The magazine has reached the one million subscriber mark," 这份杂志的订户人数达到了一百

单词subscribe 例句大全,用单词subscribe造句:subscribeto a charity. 为慈善事业捐款Subscribeto an agreement. 签署一项协议。data centric publishsubscribe 以数据为11、The subscriber selects tosubscribe tothe new Web service. 12、Modifying the client tosubscribe tothe topic queue. 13、Maybe I ought tosubscribe

subscribe to造句如下:1.I heartily subscribe to that sentiment. 我十分赞同那个观点。2.I subscribe wholeheartedly to this theory. 我衷心拥护这种理论。3.The librasubscribe造句复制1、How hard was it tosubscribeto commits?(要订阅提交列表有多难? 2、I hope you'll visit her orsubscribeto her feed.(我希望你可以访问她或订阅她

选手造句:1、照目前一般水平而言,他是个好选手。2、他受了伤,另一个选手取代了他。3、这个年轻的网球选手绝对不可能打败那些经验丰富的对手。4、这个年轻的网球选手不大可能击败1、subscribefor a newspaper 2、Undertake to contribute;subscribe 3、Wesubscribeto the resolution. 4、Isubscribeto" Reader's Digest" magazine. 5、Now

subscribe to英语造句,1、In the CIM architecture, a client application can subscribe to be notified of CIM events.在CIM架构中,客【例句1】Please subscribe your name to the document. (请在文件上签上你的名字。【例句2】He subscribed his name to a petition. (他在一份请愿书上签了


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