

船上带缆教程 2023-06-14 23:27 609 墨鱼


船首和船尾,在右舷船首和船尾带拖缆。23. Forward, please send the headline to mooring boat. 船首,请送一根头缆给带缆艇。24. Loading Master, how about the ship’s p取样sounding/ ullage 测探、测量surveyor 测量员第三部分码头篇Dolphin系栏桩windlass 絞栏机fire hose 消防水龙naked fire明火fender 碰垫free contact/ ground jumper (参考使

ゃōゃ 系船柱,带缆桩在船上或码头的粗桩,用于系缆索系船柱,带缆桩在船上或码头的粗桩,用于系缆索的英文翻译基本释义A thick post on a ship or wharf,used for securing ropes a带缆lace rope; Tie up;[例句]放系缆给带缆艇,前后缆送上码头,开始绞靠。Loweredlines to line boat, sent bow and stern lines ashore and started heavingalo

Dolphin系栏桩windlass起锚机fire hose消防水龙naked fire明火fender碰垫free contact/ ground jumper(参考使用)/ground lead接地线foam消防泡沫lineman带缆工loading master码头靠泊装卸常用英语口语1.Portcontrol,Portcontrol,ThisisMV“Shanghai”calling,Over.港调,港调,SHANGHA轮I呼叫,听到请回答。2.MVShanghai,ThisisShanghaiPortcontrol.Goaheadpl

带缆令1.Send out the …line(s)/…spring(s) 带首/尾/横缆或带首/尾倒缆2.Have the heaving lines ready forward and aft 将首尾撇缆备妥3.Heave on …lin头缆head line 引缆messenger line 系缆桩bitter 撇缆heaving line 法兰垫圈gasket of flange 船长captain 大副chief 松横缆Slack away the breast line

有的。你要带一艘拖轮在右船首,另一艘在右船尾。叫你的船员先送一根头缆给带缆艇。21.Fore and aft. Get ready to alongside. Port side alongside. 3 head l码头带缆桩checking bollard combined mooring and warping bollard访问沪江小D查看码头带缆桩的更多详细解释> 参考例句A thick post on a ship or wharf,used for securin


标签: 码头带缆方法



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