
contribute to造句,come out of造句

around the corner造句 2023-11-30 09:32 166 墨鱼
around the corner造句

contribute to造句,come out of造句

≥△≤ 1、Amity between the two nations will contribute to the prosperity of the region.这两个国家之间的和睦友好有助于这一地区的繁荣。2、It is an honour to be 单词contribute to 释义单词释义:捐献;促成;投稿;有助于[更多..] 单词造句

contribute to造句简单

1. Contribute to:捐献,贡献例句:The company contributed to the local community by providing free medical care.中文翻译:该公司通过提供免费医疗保健,为当地社区做出了贡contribute to造句复制1、How often did you feel that you had something tocontribute tosociety?(你多久觉得自己对社会有做出了贡献? 2、We hope everyone willcontrib

contribute to造句子

contribute to造句contribute to造句1. I am determined to contribute to the progress of the world with my own efforts. As a member of the society, I should take recontribute to造句1. We must all contribute to the conservation of energy, by turning off unnecessary lights, using natural light and making sure that all electri

contribute to造句并翻译

contribute短语搭配contribute to/towards 捐献,捐助contribute substantially/significantly/greatly to something 很大程度上归功于contribute to sth 有助于;促进co2  有助于contribute to有助于  促成  捐献例句:Would you like to contribute to our collection? 你愿意给我们的募捐捐款吗?3 ontribute to


标签: come out of造句



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