

四年级英语二人情景对话 2023-08-28 15:06 356 墨鱼


关于英语情景对话(精)一请原谅我占用了您的一些时间来看这封你可能没有意想到的信,我写信来意在询问在您学校的英语老师是否有空缺的职位。我是湖北理工学院两人英语对话:In a Western Clothing Store MARTIN: Hello, I'm Martin Learner. I phoned this morning. I want to speak to the manager.MANAGER: Good after

两人英语情景对话:Do you like this shirt MANAGER: Do you like this shirt? MARTIN: Yes, I do. I like blue. MANAGER: You have blue eyes. MARTIN: They're日常英语口语情景对话1 Tina: Good morning, Ann. 早上好啊,安。Ann: Morning, Tina. 早上好,蒂娜。Tina: Do you know what date it is today? 你知道今天是几号吗?Ann: Yeah, i

二人组日常英语小对话篇1 Linda:What's your favourite Chinese dish? 琳达:你最喜欢什么中国菜?Joy:Shrimp meat with curry is my favourite for sure. And you? 乔伊:虾肉A: Do you know anyone who’s had plastic surgery B: You mean like a breast enlargement I don"t think that"s really necessary. That"s not the way a

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标签: 两人一组表演对话的英语



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