

ch folder是什么意思车上 2023-08-30 16:36 253 墨鱼
ch folder是什么意思车上


(#`′)凸 发火线圈(Coil) 在汽车点火系统中,它可将电瓶的电压(12v)转变成为火星塞点火燃烧时所需的高电压。分电盘(Distributor) 点火系统高低压电的转接站,可将通往发火线圈的电路接通或切作为动词,“coil”可以指某物被卷曲或缠绕,或者将某物卷曲或缠绕。例如,“She coiled her hair into a bun”(她把头发盘成了一个发髻)。近义词以下是与“coil”意思相近的

coil [ kɔil ] 释义n. 卷,骚动v. 盘绕,卷n. 【电】线圈,绕组例句1.He passed me acoilof thread. 他递给我一卷线。2.Shecoiledher hair at the back of her headcoil线圈英[[kɔɪl]] 美[[kɔɪl]] v. 盘绕,把……卷成圈,成圈状n. 线圈;一圈(绳索);卷;自动售货机中的)成卷邮票;蚊香;宫内节育环;汽车发动机的)盘管;混乱n. (Coil)

“coil”的中文翻译词典解释美音: ] 英音: ] 及物动词vt. 1. 卷,盘绕;把卷成圈[(+up)] Laura coiled her hair at the back of her head. 劳拉把头发盘在脑后。汽车发动机的)盘管In a vehicle, thecoilis the part on a petrol engine that sends electricity to the spark plugs. 子宫节育环;避孕环Thecoilis a contraceptive devi

steam( )coil蒸汽加热盘管dummy(coil)死线圈turbo car燃气轮机汽车car mile【经】车英里baby carn. 婴儿车,小型汽车最新单词steel pattern number是什么意思及音标钢(汽车发动机的)盘管In a vehicle, the coil is the part on a petrol engine that sends electricity to the spark plugs. 子宫节育环;避孕环The coil is a contraceptive de

coil 基本解释coil在线翻译名词线圈;(一)卷,一)盘;盘卷之物;纷乱,纠缠不清及物动词盘绕;卷成一圈不及物动词绕成盘状;卷绕成圈coil的反义词coil 相关例句及物动词4.(汽车发动机的)盘coil n.(名词)A series of connected spirals or concentric rings formed by gathering or winding:一卷:由集聚或缠绕形成的一系列连接的螺旋线或同心环:例句:a coil of rop


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