
in our city,at home

Our town 2023-09-25 12:16 896 墨鱼
Our town

in our city,at home

We're heading to themostcomfortablehotelinourcity.YoucanhaveSPA,spring,massage,allsortofenjoymentsyoucanthinkof! 我们现在去全城最舒适的酒店,所有你能想到的享受都有Itis certainthatfree medical care will be given to most people in our city. 我们城市的多数人将享受免费医疗,这是肯定的。Itappearedthathe had a taste

ˋ^ˊ in our city发音意思翻译在我们的城市相似词语短语our city───我们的城市around our city───在我们城市周围in our life───在我们的生活中in my city──In our city, it’s ___in July, but it’s even ___ in August.A.hotter, hottest B.hot, hot C.hotter , hot D.hot, hotter相关知识点:试题来源:解析D 试题分析:句意:

╯^╰ 网易云音乐是一款专注于发现与分享的音乐产品,依托专业音乐人、DJ、好友推荐及社交功能,为用户打造全新的音乐生活。our city in ten years英语作文My city will become more and more beautiful in ten years. There will be more beautiful trees and flowers everywhere. There will be more tall buildings,

In our city, it’s ___in July, but it’s even ___ in August. A .hotter, hottest B .hot, hot C. hotter , hot D. hot, hotter D 【解析】试题句意:在我们的城市,七月份In our city,the number of the teachers ___ about 2,000,but only about ___ of them are men teachers.( )A. is;seven hundredsB. is;seven hundredC. are;seven hundredD

continue so in ten years it is hard to imagine what travelling in our city will be like .Maybe the street will be crowded with cars so people have no roOur city is a new and developing city,and was built at the beginning of 1980s.The infrastructure for water,gas,electricity and other energy in this area is comple


标签: at home



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