
sunday today,today is Monday

from day today 2023-12-08 10:55 217 墨鱼
from day today

sunday today,today is Monday

It is _Sunday___ today.对划线部分提问___ ___ is it today? What day is it today what day 是对星期名称提问32198 it is sunday today.(就划线提问sundayit's Sunday today。例句:It is Sundany. There are hundreds and hundreds of people in the park.(今天是星期天,公园里有成千万的游人。例句:1. 今天是星

1、it's sunday today:今天是星期天。2、this sunday:这个星期天。二、语法不同1、it's sunday today:today用作不可数名词时,意思是“今天”,只指白天,不指黑This week on "Sunday Morning" (December 10) A look at the features for this week's broadcast of the 2023 News & Documentary Emmy-winner for Outstanding Recorded N

(=`′=) Today Is Sunday Today Is Sunday(2008) 导演:Isaac Berrocal 编剧:Isaac Berrocal 类型:剧情/短片制片国家/地区:西班牙语言:英语/ 西班牙语上映日期:2008 IMDb:tt1454575 豆瓣评分暂无评分今天是星期天用英语怎么说今天是星期天:it's Sunday today。例句:今天是星期天,公园里有成千万的游人。It is Sunday. There are hundreds and hundreds of peo

+△+ what day is it today这个问句对应的陈述句为:It is Sunday today.其中it为非人称代词,表示时间。it's sunday today是什么意思相关知识点:试题来源:解析1. 今天是星期天.2. 今天是星期天。例句:1.It's sunday. You know what that means? 今儿个星期天你知道那代表什么

TodayisSunday,today,Itookthebustogotouncle'shousetohelphimcelebrateabirthday,specialhappy. 今天是星期天,今天,我是乘坐公共汽车去叔叔家,以帮助他庆祝生日,特别高兴。next sunday───下周日;下个星期天sunday time───星期日泰晤士报双语使用场景Is it Sunday today?───今天是星期日吗?If only it were Sunday today.───要是


标签: today is Monday



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