
on weekend还是on weekends,onthe weekends

周末用weekend还是weekends 2023-12-21 14:01 549 墨鱼

on weekend还是on weekends,onthe weekends

在周末的英文表达既不是on weekend 也不是in weekend。正确的表达是:on the weekend , on weekends,at the weekend , at weekends。分别表示某个固定的周末,ON常⽤在美式英语中Both prepositions can be used in this sentence. It depends on where you are speaking or using English.这两个介词都可以使⽤。取决于你说英语时在

在周末(美式英语):on the weekend、on weekends;在周末(英式英语):at the weekend、at weekends。on weekends 1、Jim gardened at the homes of friends on weekends. 吉姆在美式英语中“周末”说成on the weekend或者on weekends,而在英式英语中说at the weekend或者at weekends。注意“周末”不能说成at/on weekend或者at/on the weekends 另外如果wee

(1)on weekends通常的周末,每个周末。例:I have the piano lesson on weekends.我每周末上钢琴课。2)on the weekend就指某个周末。例:I will go shopping 在周末是on weekend还是on the weekend 在周末是on the weekends。1、在这里,“at”更侧重于休假这段时间,而“on”则更侧重于具体的某一天。在周末还可以表示为:at weekends、on

ˇ▽ˇ on the weekend ad.周末1.You may go grass skiing,bicycle riding,or shopping on the weekend.周末你可以去滑草,骑脚踏车,或购物.2.We had a good time on t在周末的英文表达既不是on weekend 也不是in weekend。正确的表达是:on the weekend , on weekends,at the week


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