

up构成的短语 2023-09-30 21:33 709 墨鱼


up的短语:it is all up with 1. (非正式)对…一切都完了on the up and up informal 非正式1. (英)稳步提高2. (主北美)诚实的,正直的something is up 1. (非正式)不寻常其中took up 是短语动词,作谓语,smoking自然是动名词作宾语;later than men其实是个缩略句,扩展开来应该是later than men did (did=took up smoking),later 是late的比较级,这里是

和up有关的英语短语高考【一】1 . so that 以便,为使;所以,因此2 . In the eastern part of New Jersey lies the city of Elizabeth , a major shipping and1、make up 弥补; 构成; 编造; 组成2、clear up 清理; 整理; 放晴; 收拾3、dry up 干涸; 枯竭; 干透; 干

1、动词+up高考真题break up 结束,终止;婚姻关系破裂bring up 养育;呕吐call up 打电话;想起,回忆eat up 吃光use up 用光cheer up 使更高兴,快乐;振作cho1.calup召集,征召(入伍);想起,回忆起;给……打电话1)He was called up and left school last year.去年他就应征入伍离开学校了。2)The sweet singing called up happy memories of the old wom

ˋ^ˊ〉-# mix up 混合call up打电话grow up 成长,长大ring up打电话clean up把—打扫干净,把—收拾整齐fix up 修理,修补get up 起床keep up保持,坚持fill up 装满send up发射(文章“up”的短语有哪些?1、make up 弥补; 构成; 编造; 组成2、clear up 清理; 整理; 放晴; 收拾3、dry up 干涸; 枯竭; 干透; 干瘪4、turn up 开大; 出现; 来到;

turn up the radio ; 2 )表示“开始的过程”(to move) ,如:get up early ; 3 )表示“完成”( to complete ), 如:eat up the cakes. 现在归纳如下50条短语,break up击碎,破碎,粉碎;分开,分手,分散build up建立eg: build up one s strength增强体质bring up抚养长大clear up打扫干净;天气放晴give up放弃stay up熬夜look up抬头看look up to sb尊


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