
need help for sth,help sb for sth

get ready 2023-12-24 17:07 185 墨鱼
get ready

need help for sth,help sb for sth

helpwith在某方面帮助;帮忙某人做;帮助;帮助做某事,helpfor不是短语,意思为需要帮助去干什么。Ifyoueverneedhelpwiththebabysitting,I'dbegladtooblige如果你网络做某事需要帮助;为某事需要帮助;需要对……的帮助网络释义1. 做某事需要帮助七年级上册人教版1 6 speak English 说英语7need help forsth.做某事需要帮助8 he

FORBES: Cheap Foods That Are Good For You need for更多例句词组短语短语need help for sth 做某事需要帮助need bags for sports 需要运动包need sth for help 需要帮need help for sth网络翻译做某事需要帮助 need sth for help 需要帮助need help for sth 做某事需要帮助need sth for sth 为了……需要相关单词stairwayn. 楼

The school needs help( )the school trip.Ato B for Cwith为什么不用with? 扫码下载作业帮拍照答疑一拍即得答案解析查看更多优质解析举报B needs help foneed help to do sth(在做某事上学要帮助)或need help for sth(因为某方面或某物需要帮助)

help的用法:help sb. to do sth.帮助某人做某事;help sb. with sth.帮某人干某事;with the help of,在……帮助下;can't help doing sth.情不自禁做某事等。help用法举例1.help to 表示需要某东西④同③,不同的是for表示目的因为某事而需要某事这就有了⑤ 需要、、、来help(帮助)当做情态动词时,用法与must、can等一样都是在情态动词后直接加动词原形所


标签: help sb for sth



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