

用haircut造句 2023-12-21 15:53 811 墨鱼


∩ω∩ waste造句1. It's sinful to waste good food! 浪费好好的食物是有罪的!2. The waste was dumped in the sea. 废物倒入海中。3. It's a waste of time and energy. 那是浪it is a waste of time of our study to play games.

∪△∪ As is known to all, waste on campus has become a more and more serious problem. We can easily see many students dump a lot of food in the garbage can1、incompatiblewaste 2、threewastes--wastegas,wastewater andwasteresidue 3、Towastetime is towastelife. 4、biochemicalwastetreatment 5、woodwastebri

⊙﹏⊙ waste的用法:作为动词时,意为浪费、滥用、使…屈才,作为名词时,意为白费、废料、垃圾,作为形容词时,意为荒芜的、丢弃的、无用的。waste短语:waste sth on sth,或者waste st然而,对于基础一般,无法「自如运用英语遣词造句」尤其是「基础很差,甚至零基础的同学」如果我们不能针对地训练,任凭自己想写什么就写什么,那无疑直接在一开始就将自己的所有问题

waste造句类型英语造句1、It's a crying shame towaste all that food.(那么些食物都浪费了,真是太不像话了。2、It's awaste of time," he concluded.(“这是浪费时间,”1、It's a crying shame towasteall that food.(那么些食物都浪费了,真是太不像话了。2、It's awasteof time," he concluded.(“这是浪费时间,”他最后说道。3、I can't

Let's not waste an opportunity to see the children 咱们别错过了看孩子们的机会。All the well-meant, sincere advice is largely wasted on him.他对所有善意单词waste 例句大全,用单词waste造句:A method to recover silver fromwastephotographic film withwastefixing bath was studied. 研究了利用彩印漂定废液回收废感光胶片中


标签: 用furious造句



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