

关于on和in的短语归纳 2023-12-24 23:19 583 墨鱼


decisive的用法归纳高中推荐度: 相关推荐at指时间。表示较短暂的一段时间.可指某个节日或被认为是一年中标志大事的日子.如:He went home at Christmas (at 3、at no time 从不,决不,从来没有例句1:At no time has he done such a thing.译文1:他从来没有做过这样的事。例句2:At no time will Mike make friends with her.译文2:迈

13. at night/noon在夜里/中午14. knock on / at敲(门、窗等) 15. at eight在八点16. have a look at看一看17. at that time 在那时18. be better at = do at常用的英文短语1. at least至少,最低限度2. at once立刻,马上3. at times有时,偶尔4. at the same time 同时5. laugh at嘲笑6. look at看望,注视7. at first起先,首

∪▂∪ at的短语如下:at first sight乍一看,初看起来;at last终于,最后;at all costs不惜任何代价;at work在工作,忙glance at瞟一眼,glare at怒目而视,grieve at忧伤,knock at敲,laugh at嘲笑,look at看一眼pull at拉扯,rejoice at对…高兴,smile at向某人微笑,shoot at

(*?↓˙*) aim at瞄准;tear at强拉;grab at抓住不放;shout at对……大声叫嚷;shoot at对……射击;thrust at用刀剑等向……猛刺;come at攻击;gaze at注视;凝视;glance at看一下;看一眼at短语归纳初中1. at school:在学校2. at home:在家3. at the park:在公园4. at the beach:在海滩5. at the cinema:在电影院6. at the supermarket:在超市7. at the m

?▽? 高中学习在线小程序1、at词组at (the) least至少;最少。反义词组为at (the)most至多;最多。—Mr Smith looks older than his real age.In fact,he is at (that noon在中午at night 在夜晚at times有时,偶尔at school 在上学at table在吃饭at present 目前,现在at work在工作at all 全然,根本at the age of在-


标签: at的常见短语



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