

美剧经典对话5分钟两人 2023-12-22 21:00 699 墨鱼


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M: It"s been a long time, Mrs, Lee. W: Yes. I went to Hawaii on a vacation with my husband. M: When did you come back Did you have a good time W: W二人英语3分钟对话篇1 Todd: OK. Were back with Jeanna. You wanna talk about your summer vacation. 好的,吉娜。能谈谈你的暑假吗。Jeanna: Sure. I went t

三分钟两人英语对话:罪与罚Angelin: How are you doing? Julian: Im ok. I wish I could say the same for my friend. A: What happened to him? J: He was a3分钟经典的二人英语对话篇一T: Do you know why we look different? And why the colour of our hair is different? Someone is blond, but the others are

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