

suffering形式 2022-12-25 23:37 326 墨鱼


∩▽∩ Patients suffering from infectious diseases should bequarantined in case of cross-infection. 医院里的各种传染病人一定要隔离好,防止交叉感染。Sick animals were immThey may be suffering from hammertoe, hallux valgus and Achilles tendon damage. 她们可能患锤状趾,拇外翻及跟腱损坏。This is Hector, the fool who thought he killed

\ _ / 1.relieve suffering, hardship, etc among refugees解除难民的痛苦、苦难等2.A cause of privation or suffering.造成困苦与苦难的原因3.The suffering of the refugees 1. suffering的解释1. This would cause great hardship andsuffering. 这将造成极大的艰难困苦。2. She bore her sufferings bravely. 她勇敢地忍受着苦难。suffering 网

1.Desire,Struggle,Sufferingan Explanation of Hardy s Novels;欲求·挣扎·苦痛——哈代小说的一种解读2.The suffering doctrine is the theory basis of life speculatiosuffering英语造句,1、Their own suffering paled into insignificance beside that of their son.与儿子的苦难相比,他们的苦难就不算什么了。2、Suff

1. First the engagement ring, then the wedding ring, then thesuffering. 先是订婚戒指,接下来是结婚戒指,然后就是苦难。2. SO LONG as we live in this world we cann单词suffering 例句大全,用单词suffering造句:Asas childrensufferingfrom the flu which has become the adult patients with the main group. 儿童以及患上感冒的成年人士


标签: imaginary造句



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