
listen and talk翻译,speak

dentist中文翻译 2023-12-19 23:28 977 墨鱼

listen and talk翻译,speak

talk with our partner和伙伴唠嗑listen to the tape听磁带C Let's sing.一起唱吧。I'm a music man.我是一个音乐人。I come from far away, And I can pLet's talk. Look、listen and act. Jiamin,can you skate? No,I can't. I can teach you! OK! Come on,Jiamin. No,I'm scared. Come on ,boy! OK! Good ,good

Listen and match听一听,连一连(听力练习) Talk Together一起说一说Can I help you?有什么可以帮你的?I want a hamburger, and a glass of juice, please. 请给我一个汉堡和一6. Look, listen and talk 看图听对话并练习会话Work with your partner.和你的同伴一起做练习。Look at the pictures.看图片,Take turns to ask each other

3. 听说每个单元由听说(Listen and Talk)、阅读(Read and Explore)、写作(Write and Produce)和文化沙龙(Culture Salon) 4个部分组成…english.swufe.edu.cn|基于8个网页Listen and number the pictures in the correct order.听一听,把图片按照正确的顺序排列。重点单词listen的用法1

(ˉ▽ˉ;) listen and talk听和说3. 听别人的说法(2)听别人的说法(Talk and listen); (3)说出自己的感受(Say how you feel); (4)集思广益(Think of ways to solve theproblem); (5) 5doc|基于1


标签: speak



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