

用quickly造句简单 2023-09-24 20:32 684 墨鱼


Hardly anyone slept well that night. 那天晚上几乎没有人睡踏实。展开更多情景例句He had so much wrongness in him, I couldhardlylook at him. 他太邪单词hardly 例句大全,用单词hardly造句:There'shardlyany activity. 几乎没有什么活动。Hardlya breath of air is moving. 连一丝儿微风也不起。There washardlya breath

ˇ^ˇ hardly的常用短语用作副词(adv.) hardly ever 几乎从不,很少,难得very seldom He hardly ever goes to bed before eleven o'clock. 他很少在11点以前上床。I had hardly 用hardly造句1、Hardly suffocating, then, but that may not be the end of the story. 这听起来是令人窒息的,但是这可能并不是故事的结束。2、But thankfully, we're har

Hardly had I arrived at the station when the train departed.我刚到车站,列车就启动了.于是hardly 的意思大概是“几乎根本不”;rarely 的意思大概是“实际上没有”;等等。由于hardly, barely和scarcely等本身是否定词,所以不可与not或never 连

∪▂∪ 1、We ate chips every night, but hardly ever had fish.i6、Roman mathematics hardly warrants mentioning. 7、The frontier is hardly pressed 8、I can hardly believe it. 9、He hardly looked at it. 10、There'

ˇωˇ hardly造句复制1、These technological developments werehardlyimaginable 30 years ago.(这些科技新产品在30年前几乎是不可想象的。2、hardlya day goes by without a 1、hardly用作副词,具有否定意义,句中不可再使用其他否定词。与ever连用,表示否定的频度,表示“难得,很少”。H


标签: 用result造句简单



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