
colour the pig,whatcolouris

colour 2023-12-01 15:31 661 墨鱼

colour the pig,whatcolouris

What colour did you paint the wall? 你把墙漆成什么颜色?The door requires a new coat of paint. 这门需要再涂一层新油漆。painting['peɪntɪŋ]n. 画;油1. loves , comes 之所以有s, 是由于前面名词是三单,所以动词也得三单。2. at the same time 与此同时,在相同的时候3. favourite colour 最喜欢的颜色举一反三:My favourite

读句子.根据句意给下列动物园里的小动物涂上正确的颜色. 1. I like the pink pig. 2. Look! The dog is black. 3. Colour the monkey yellow. 4. Look at the cat. It's brown. 5. I love the blu1读句子,给下列动物涂上颜色。1. Colour the horse black.2. Colour the pig pink.3. Colour the duck yellow.4. Colour the sheep blue.5. Colour the hen orange.反馈收藏

he said ‘dur pig’instead of ‘the pig’When new, Dur Pig had been salmony-pink, with shiny black plastic eyes, but Jack couldn’t remember Dur原文:Look at the cat.It is fat. 翻译:看这只猫。它很胖。原文:Look at the pig.It is big. 翻译:看这头猪。它很大。原文:Look at the dog.It's on the log. 翻译:看这只狗。它

29.Look at the pig.It is big. 看那只猪,它很大。30.Look at the dog.It’s on the log. 看那只狗,它在原木上。31.Look at the duck.It’s in the truckPink is the Pig 又名:Live @ London 1970.9.16 表演者:Pink Floyd 流派:摇滚专辑类型:专辑介质:CD 发行时间:1990 出版者:The Genuine Pig Records 唱片数:1 豆瓣评分8.8 686人评价

A.a pink oneB.a big oneC.a prize pigD.a genetically-modified pig5.What did scientists change in the pig?A.its colourB.its tailC.its genesD.its skin6.How long did the ope41. Look at the pig. Colour it pink. Then draw another pigwhich is thinner than it. Colour it yellow. 51. Look at the pig. Colourt pink. Then draw another pigwhic


标签: whatcolouris



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