
be stricken by造句,transform sb from to造句

berichin造句带翻译 2023-12-11 22:35 426 墨鱼

be stricken by造句,transform sb from to造句

101.stricken adj.受煎熬的;患病的;遭受挫折的be stricken by/with sth.经受……指坏事,如疾病、悲痛)之苦的a stricken area 灾区be stricken with poverty 受贫困的折磨102.tuI sat,stricken, in my chair. 我坐在椅子上,吓坏了。Decrepit bestrickenin years 指衰老的人The girl wasstrickenby love. 少女为情所困。I was griefstrickenand angry

?﹏? battle field of Korea War. Unfortunately he was greatly striken by the following news that his brother had contribute his young life to the righteous ca网络释义1. 得病英语医药卫生词汇- 潘启明的博客室- bane 有害的be stricken得病be weak 虚弱panqiming.blog.hexun|基于1 个网页例句释义:全部,得病

1、His words wereswamped bythe laughter. 2、People have long groused that they wereswamped byinformation. 3、The little boat wasswamped bythe wavesbe stricken by disaster 英美受灾分享单词到:

1.be stricken by an illness, fall victim to an illness e.g.He got AIDS She came down with pneumonia She took a chill Synonym: takeget 2.become smaller or draw togetherBy Christmas, the situation had not much changed: Ron Woodard, the boss of Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, said cancellations by stricken Asian airlines would b

Use your eyes as if tomorrow you would be stricken blind.使用你的眼睛就像明天你要失明一样And the same method can be applied to the other senses.同样的方法也可以使用其7、countriesstrickenby desertification and drought 8、Fly emergency supplies to astrickenarea. 9、a manstrickenin age [years] 10、She wasstrickenill


标签: transform sb from to造句



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