

she has two 2023-09-29 19:06 331 墨鱼
she has two


不可以,至少也要说she is two children's mother,最好的替换是she is a mother of two children8. A) She shows a real passion for taking photos. B) She has just returned from her hometown. C) She comes from the city of Cape Town. D) She has a

1. Mrs. Anne Sterling did not think of the risk she was taking when she ran through a forest after two men. 当安·斯特林夫人在穿过森林追赶两个男人时6.Ofthethreemen,oneisfromParis,and___arefromLondon. A.othertwoB.theothertwoC.twoothersD.others 译文:这三个人中一个来自巴黎,另两个来自伦敦。7.Neithe

⊙▽⊙ 5.Hecametothecitytwoyearsago.(同义转换) He___inthecityfortwoyears. 第六练1.Sheistooyoungtotakecareofhermother.(改为同义句) Sheistooyoungto___hermothshe is two years old.. 翻译原文(英语): she is two years old更多:https://bmcx/ 翻译结果(简体中文)1: 她是两岁更多:https://bmcx/ 翻译结果(简体中文)2

other two eggs 3( ) She is still hungry. She wants .A. two another eggsB. two other eggC. another two eggsD. other two eggs 4She is still hungry. She wants ___3 Of the two sisters, Betty is one, and she is also the one who loves to be quiet. A.a younger B.a youngest C.the younger D.the youngest 4 Of the two sisters, Be

She enjoys her own company (=being with herself)when she is travelling. 她喜欢独自旅行。电影:纵横四海Two is company,three is a crowd 最佳翻译是:两人为伴,三人不欢通因为后面接的是of the two 所以是两者之间的比较,就排除了A和D,它们都是最高级的,要放在三者之间的比较,而且D是错的,最高级的要用修饰一般都是要用the的然后


标签: shear



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