

trellis造句 2023-12-25 21:06 722 墨鱼


bend to造句1、They refused tobend tothe hijackers' demands. 2、We bend the knee to no one human, any more than webend tothe abstraction of an ideal22、A wise man is one who knows how tobend, when tobendand when to stretch. 23、To make into the shape of a crank;bend. 24、to throw orbendback from

∩﹏∩ On 6 February 2016, 9M derailed its trailer car just before Rushall station city-bound, where the track is a very tight 30km / h bend. It's difficult to find h be单词Bend 例句大全,用单词Bend造句:abender of a night. 不寻常的夜晚make abendat a street corner. 在街角拐弯Aarebends to the east, is sprinkled with boats carryin

bend造句类型英语造句1、bend your knees.(弯下你的膝盖。2、Black faded on the finalbend.(布莱克在最后一个弯道处速度慢了下来。3、Can youbend this stick?(你能掰弯bend on doing sth造句1. Despite the challenges, she remained unbendable on doing her best in the competition. 2. The athlete was resolute and unbendable on achie

1.Be careful or you'll bend that spoon. 当心点,不然你会把汤匙弄弯。2.We have succeeded in bending the thick steel plates. 我们终于把这些厚钢板弄弯1、bend your knees.(弯下你的膝盖。2、Black faded on the finalbend.(布莱克在最后一个弯道处速度慢了下来。3、Can youbend this stick?(你能掰弯这根棍子吗? 4、It's

2. Bend的其他用法Bend还可以用来表示其他的含义和用途。以下是一些常用的造句:- I need to bend down to pick up the pencil.(我需要弯腰拾起铅笔。这句话中的bend downbending their own wills英文翻译如下屈从自己的意志重点词汇释义bending倾斜,偏向;弯曲;把…弄弯;bend的现在分词wills意志;毅力;自制力;意愿;例句Chinese will be on the school schedule


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