

have加been和不加been的区别 2023-12-27 21:16 541 墨鱼


【篇一】关于英语作文开头通用句子1.Many nations have been faced with the problem of 2.Recently the problem has been brought into focus. 3.Recently the phenomehad it not been for their help,we wouldn't have succeeded为什么句子开头用had it not been for 相关知识点:试题来源:解析原句是:If it had not been for their help,w

⊙△⊙ 经典英语句子篇1 1.You don"t have much good, I like it 你不用多好,我喜欢就好。2. Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is i开头的英文句子i开头英文励志八字精批流年运程1、It's never too late to be what you might have been. 2、How can men succumb to force? 3、Don't let

英语写信常用开头:1、I was glad to hear you good news.很高兴听到您的消息。2、Forgive me for not writing sooner.原谅我没有很快回信。3、It was very kind of 下面是小编整理英语四级作文万能开头句子1 1、用于描写漫画、图表的常用句型①As the graph depicts , …②From the cartoon /picture , we can see that …③According to the statistics sho

ˋ0ˊ 4、I am sorry to hear that you have not been well. 听说您身体不好我很难过。英语写信常用结尾:1、I shall be looking forward to hearing from you soon解析:这个句子用了两个定语从句,符合高分作文中的句式丰富,用1个长句子表达了所有内容。‘participate in’比较高级的表示“参加”的词汇,所以一开头用这样的句式就会让阅卷

(一)应用文常用万能开头句子1. Dear …尊敬的…亲爱的……2. I am excessively sorry to tell you that 我非常抱歉地告诉你……3- Now, I am writing you this letter of a【篇二】英语作文书信开头和结尾句子(1)特此奉告等1. We are pleased to inform you that 2. We have pleasure in informing you that 3. We have the pleasure to apprise


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