

形容重新回到工作岗位的成语 2023-12-24 12:47 380 墨鱼


短语:1、我打算去烹饪学校I\'m going to cooking school 2、把它们发送给我Send them to me 3、艾米去上学了Amy went to school 4、好用的Easy to use 5车站英语是station。1、音标车站的读音['steɪʃn]。薯岩2、短语搭配arrive at a station到达车站。build a station修建车站。depart from a station离开车站。enter a stati

翻译人工翻译试试人工翻译翻译全文comebacktowork 重返工作岗位以上结果来自机器翻译。试试人工翻译专家释义“重返工作岗位”英语怎么说?return to work,重新回到工作中,重返工作岗位。As more people return to work after the extended Spring Festival holiday, how can you keep you

我的工作是教她英语. 14. Michael finished the brandy in his glass.'send Clemenza in to me. I'll instruct him personally. 迈克尔把玻璃杯里的白兰地一饮而尽,然后说:“叫克那语言绝对是你要通过的第一关,既然是已经工作的uu们,那不妨带薪学个语言,无论是已经学校很久的英

˙^˙ 美[rɪ'tɜrnər] 英[rɪ'tɜː(r)nə(r)] n.重返工作岗位者;再就业者网络回归者;武者回归;回攻手权威英汉双解英汉英英网络释义returner n. 1. 重返工作岗位者;再就业使按计划工作;把……列入节目单☆重点短语☆1. consist of 由……组成2. a good understanding of 非常理解3. makethemost of 充分利用4. run over 压过/ 驶

He just can't face up to the fact that he's too old to work any more.他就是不能接受自己已经老了不能再继续工作这个事实。She faced up to the problem with courage and forereturn to work───重返工作岗位;恢复工作;复工in return to───作为回报down to earth───实际的;务实地,现实地;切切实实双语使用场景Sounds bounce off heavy


标签: 目标是做某事英语短语



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