

have fun doing sth造句 2023-09-05 22:00 267 墨鱼
have fun doing sth造句


国教科文组织把大学生的主要任务界定为“四个学会”:学会做事(learn to do)、学会做人(learn to be)、学会与人相处(le…iask.sina.cn|基于350个网页更多释义例句网络释义1. 学会做事大教育目标,即学会学习(learntoknow)、学会做事(learntodo)、学会相处(learntobetogether)和学会做人(learntobe…hljnews.cn|基于8个网页2

“Learntodosth”造句刘经华回答:网友采纳你从哪儿学会这一套?Wheredidyoulearntodothat?刘淑清回答:网友采纳谢啦刘淑清回答:网友采纳Practicedoing结果一题目iliketodo造句,造五个句子- 百度答案I like to do my homework我喜欢做我的家庭作业I like to do the housework我喜欢做家务绞尽脑汁,我只想出来两个相关推荐

learn to do,学会,学i am going to learn to ski this winter. 我想今年冬天学滑雪。主要是不会,所以才学。强调学之前不会,而且现在还没有开始学习。learn 10. learn to do sth. 学会做某事11. grow fruits and vegetables 种水果和蔬菜12. a few weeks ago 几个星期前13. the marks of another man’s feet 另一个人的脚印14. no

8、Once you learn to do this,you can do it any time. 只要你学会去做这件事,你就可以在任何时候去做。9、How did you learn to do that? 你是怎么学习做到的呢?10、It's13、Learn to tolerate,learn toforgive, but can not go to the street,learn toforget,learn tolose, but can not change the smile. 14、Learn to make hap

动词后常跟todo的有:wanttodo,wishtodo,hopetodo,decidetodo,learntodo,plantodo,refusetodo,failtodo,agreetodo,expecttodo等等。以上词造句,说出生活中的知118、learn to do sth 学做某事119、let/make/ have sb do sth 让某人做某事120、let sb down 让某人失望cheer sb up = make sb happier 使某人振奋121


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