
be busy with sth造句,live alone造句

encourage sb to do sth造句 2023-09-29 17:32 223 墨鱼
encourage sb to do sth造句

be busy with sth造句,live alone造句

ˋωˊ 1.be busy with sth 忙于某事I'm busy with my homework.My father is busy with his work now.2.be busy doing sth 忙于做某事She is busy doing housework.MI am busy with the homework. We are busy reading books now. She is busy washing . He is busy playing

+^+ be busy withsth. 忙于做某事Hebe busy withsome work. 他假装忙着什么事。They pretended tobe busy withpreparation for the exam. 他们装着忙于备考的样子。I willbe b10. We are busy with planning the trip.我们正在忙于计划旅行。注意,be busy with sth通常后面接动词时,要加上-ing形式,而不是不定式。例如:He is busy with cooking din

∩▂∩ We are busy with the final exam.我们在忙于期末考试。I'm busy with my study.I'm busy with my studying.with是介词,第一句后面接的是名词,第二句是接的动名词,两种都可以。

be busy with sth造句。1. I'm busy with my new project and I'm finding it hard to keep up with the workload. I have to finish my research and write a report befo3.bebusywithsth;interest oneself in sth 忙于(某事);关心(某事) -- 来源-- 英汉- 翻译参考[网络]好评(14)差评() 4.BeBusywith;beengagedwith;BeBusied by 忙于-- 来源-

∩△∩ 口语说|be busy doing/with sth I like you for one reason,you are the reason. 我喜欢你只有一个理由,你就是那个理由。句型:be busy doing/with sth 忙于做解析be busy with sth = be busy doing sth 忙于做某事如He is busy with his homework .= He is busy doing his homework .他忙于做作业.如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中


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