01-06 452
realize意识到的用法 |
be reduced to同义词,be good at 同义词
Withremissionfor good behaviour, she could be freed in a year.她因为表现良好获得减刑,可能会在一年内重获自由。英汉词典释义n. 缓和,减轻This is his secondremissi”be reduced to”表示“被降到;被缩小到”。可以说明价格,金额,大小等等。例如:1) The price of
沦落lún luò fall low; come down in the world;bereducedtopoverty 习惯于xí guàn yúbeaccustomedto;beconditionedto;beusedto;behabituatedto 缩尺suō chǐreducedscreduce to 英[riˈdju:s tu:]美[rɪˈdus tu] 使降低到,遭受,归纳,折合;相关单词reduce to practicereduce 英汉词典释义_no_ 使降低到;遭受Let's reduce the passage to
╯△╰ Borax must be reduced to powder for infants. 硼砂必须研成细粉才能供婴儿使用。权威例句All change for solar PV Population dynamics Novel potent and selective alphGeorgetrips frequently to London.乔治常去伦敦。UnfortunatelyGeorgecannot be with us today so I am pleased to accept this award on his behalf.不幸的是乔治今天不能
be reduced to tears 流泪be reduced to silence 沉默80.give rein to 任…自由发展81.w orsen = aggravate = intensify = deteriorate 82.b etter / worse than = superioDan waited for him to invoke deity with theasthmaticwheeziness to which mirth reduced his vocal apparatus. It is the bane ofasthmaticpatients, but the gardener ma
∩﹏∩ be reduced to ~ = ~に落ちぶれる、~に減らされる、~に要約される Depending on the context. Highly-rated answerer philippe7778 2019年1月4日英语(美国) minimizing. take s同义词替换7 朗阁教育1. demographic==population 人口2. situated in==located in 位于3. turn==produce 产生4. use of==consumption of 使用量5. be reduced==be cut 被减
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标签: be good at 同义词
01-06 452
如何解决远程桌面拒绝访问? 1.由于系统防火墙,远程桌面无法连接。 解决方案:点击开始-控制面板-点击【windows防火墙-点击左栏上的允许程序或功能通过windows防火墙】“允许的程序”...
01-06 452
但是不要忘了,由于你所作的更改,导致你的华为钱包不能使用,所以再按照上述方法中的1-4点将国家/地区设置为中国大陆即可重新使用钱包等服务。 下面不妨扯一扯我...
01-06 452