
equip sb,网络释义 equip

equip 2023-09-19 23:40 168 墨鱼

equip sb,网络释义 equip

句型搭配三:用于equip sb with sth,表示为某人提供某物。如:Did she equip her daughter with the correct boots? 她给女儿买的靴子合脚吗?We should equip our children with a 每个房间都装了空调。正:Every room is equipped with air conditioning.误:Air conditioning is equipped in every room 句型搭配三:用于equip sb with sth,

?^? equip 显示所有例句v. 1. 配备;装备to provide yourself/sb/sth with the things that are needed for a particular purpose or activity 2. ~ sb (for sth).~ sb (to do sth)equip sb. for sth. 使某人为…而准备经典例句1. They cannot afford to equip their army properly. 他们没有财力好好装备自己的军队。2. The manager deci

to equip sb for sth/to do sth 英美为某事/做某事使某人做好准备分享单词到:1. equip sb. with sth.:为某人提供某物装备,例如:- The company equipped all its employees with new laptops. - The coach equipped the team with the latest training

是be equipped with sth或者equip sb with sth。1、equip sb/sth with sth 使有知识和技能,使能够胜任例:They sequip vt. 配备;装备;使有知识和技能;使能够胜任考法1 equip sb. /sth. with sth. 用某物装备某人/某物equip sb. for sth. 使某人胜任某事equip sb. to

ˇ▂ˇ e‧quip/ɪˈkwɪp/●●○AWLverb(equipped,equipping)[transitive]1to provide a person or place with the things that are needed for a particularkindofactivityor workequip somebody/sometequip a ship for a voyage 装备船只出航。equip sb. with learning 教人学习。be equipped with 安置着,装备着;身上穿着( be equipped with modern machinery 配备着现代


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