
ought to反义疑问句,seldom反义疑问句是否定吗

must反义疑问句用法 2023-09-30 12:52 872 墨鱼

ought to反义疑问句,seldom反义疑问句是否定吗

ought to的反义疑问句ought to 的反义疑问句1. You shouldn't eat too much junk food, should you? 2. You ought not to skip your breakfast, ought you? 3. You shouldnoughtto的反义疑问句【五】1 . 按照合同,违约方必须作出巨额赔偿。可是,当美商试探地问李嘉诚需要多少赔偿金时,李嘉诚却说:“生意场上的事,变幻莫测,换了我发

(ˉ▽ˉ;) 如:I needn’t tell you the answer ,need I 五、ought to反义疑问句附加疑问用ought.,但在美国英语中用should 如:We ought to help each other ,oughtn’t we / shouldn’t we6.ought to的反意疑问句:We ought to study hard, oughtn't we/shouldn't we?我们应该刻苦学习,是吗?ought to的反意疑问句常常可以和should的反意疑问句互换,但同学们一定要

6、当陈述句的谓语部分含有had better, would rather, would like, ought to时,反意疑问句的谓语用相应的助动词。You’d better go now, hadn’t you? You’d rather go there ear17. He ought to win the first prize, ___ he? A. mustn’t B. oughtn’t C. shouldn’t D. Both B and C. 18. Let ’s go there by bus, ___? A. will you B. shall we C

We ought to read this book, oughtn‟t we?或shouldn‟t we? 16.当陈述部分含有had better时,疑问部分用had。如:You‟d better finish your homework now, 当陈述部分have不表示“所有”,而表示其它含义时,反义疑问句用do的某种形式You often have headaches, don't you? She had to take the early bus, didn't she? (10) 陈述部分有情

的反意疑问句,陈述部分是肯定的,疑问部分用shouldn't / oughtn't +主语。在英式英语中用ought to 形式,在美式英语中用should形式。例如:You ought to see the 两种都可以适用. 区别在于,ought用于英式英语,should用于美式英语,你用任意一种回答都是正确的.


标签: seldom反义疑问句是否定吗



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