

in honor of造句 2023-12-24 21:02 348 墨鱼
in honor of造句


offer意思及造句篇1 offer的意思vt.提供;提出;卖方)出价;贡献vi.提议;出现;求婚n.提议;出价offer的英语音标英['f(r)] 美['fr] 职场中offer是什么意思o27.This much-photographedexhibitactedasa magnet for the thematic exhibition Prehistoric Giants, which 这件展品成为游人的热门拍照对象,替"洪荒巨兽"专题展览发挥无比

The newexhibitwill tour a dozen US cities next year. 这批新展品明年将在美国十二个城市巡回展出。牛津词典They will beexhibitingtheir new designs at the trade fair5、exhibitbelligerency towards neighbors 6、They deprecated the newexhibit. 7、Digital productsexhibitpoor behavior 8、Nonlinear dataexhibitconsider

权威造句1. Two cats or more in one house will alsoexhibitterritorial behaviour. 一家若有两只或更多的猫,也会表现出争夺地盘的行为。来自柯林斯例句2. He seems to w英文例句大全为您提供exhibit英文例句大全,词语exhibit造句,关于exhibit的句子,exhibit怎么造句,exhibit英文例句大全有哪些,哪些句子是关于exhibit,exhibit的句子,exhibit如

exhibit造句1、walk into pyramid -national treasure Archaian exhibit of Egypt 走进金字塔——古埃及国宝展。2、All of these cells exhibit motility. 所有这些细胞均英汉英英网络释义exhibit 显示所有例句v. 1. [t][i] 展览;展出to show sth in a public place for people to enjoy or to give them information 2. [t] ~ sth 表现,显示

Exhibit A造句1、The French Revolution is Exhibit A. Exhibit B might be Lebanon's Cedar Revolution of 2005, which took place following the assassina4、Theexhibitthat I want you to attend is coming up.(我想让你参加的展览马上就要到了。5、This museum willexhibitthe objects accumulated by unknown collectors.(这


标签: cease造句



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