

陈述句变一般疑问句英语 2023-02-24 15:05 565 墨鱼


1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上陈述句变否定句陈述句:是用来陈述一件事情或表示一种看法,可分为肯定句和否定句两种形式。一、变否定句:1. 当谓语动词是be动词否定句和疑问句要用any,陈述句用some.

⑵肯定句中看到some,变为否定句时some 变any.如:There are some books on the desk. 桌子上有一些书。There are not any books on the desk. 桌子上没有书。给下列句子.陈述句变否定句陈述句:是用来陈述一件事情或表示一种看法,可分为肯定句和否定句两种形式。一、变否定句:1. 当谓语动词是be 动词,am, is are 或者过去时was

陈述句变否定句一、把下列陈述句改为否定句。1. We go to school on Sunday. 2. We'll go to the park this 3. I am watching TV now. 4. Jack 'father is a teacher. 5. The dog runs fast. 6陈述句变否定句练习题系统标签:陈述句练习题否定playgroeedbeatiful boy.2.1amyourfriend.Mysisterbeatifulgirl.Mymothersomebookshomeyesterday.Beijingte

陈述句l have some + 单词的复数否定句I don't have any + 单词的复数疑问句Do you have any + 单词的复数变疑问吧DO提前,变否定主语后+do not​否定回答:__ 15. I borrowed some books. 变否定句:__ 变一般疑问句:__ 16. I washed my hands before dinner.变一般疑问句:__ 17. I brushed my teeth af

陈述句变否定句一、把下列陈述句改为否定句。1. We go to school on Sunday. 2. We’ll go to the park this afternoon. 3. I am watching TV now. 4. Jack’father is a t由陈述句转换成一般疑问句或否定句时,若陈述句中有some,则问句或否定句中要把some改为any。例:They have___cakes.→ Do they hav_百度教育


标签: 陈述句变为否定句的方法



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