

to开头的句型 2023-08-22 11:40 608 墨鱼


回答:To finish this job is really difficult for me.used in questions to ask sb to be exact about one or more people or things from a limited number 哪一个;哪一些which开头的句子Which is better exerci

to do放句首为动词不定式,用法和doing类似,多用来后边常说的事还没发生。doing放句首是动名词,望文生义,其等同于专有名词,例句:Doing lots of exercise is good for health. 1to do1、He wants to watch TV.2. I decide to go home.3. I hope to see you.4. She likes to play with me.5. Tom stopped to work. 二、用to开头的句子是什么句?

1、Yourto dolist? 2、Another thingto do! 3、Refuseto dosomething. 4、What do you haveto dotoday? 5、Do you have a mailingto do? 6、Do you understand以to do开头的句子To do some housework, wait your mother back. To do something, don't stay with me all the time. To do your work, resting is over now.©2022 Baidu

29.Idon’twaitformoods.Youaccomplishnothingifyoudothat.Yourmindmust knowithasgotdowntowork.我从不等待情绪的来临。如果你一味等待,就将一事无成。你必须I tried calling you tonight only to find that I was not allowed to make that call. 我今晚给你打电话,却发现我不能打。I reached the station only to find that my train had

2、Class is over, let’s stop to play.(下课了,我们停下来玩玩吧) 开头加to或者doing有什么区别do开头如果结尾是句号则是祈使句^^ 如果结尾是问号则是一般疑问句^^ to do和doschedule后面接动词doing还是todo? Sch:45到达,但是它# 39s运行20分钟后。航班计划在8: 45到达,但是它将晚点20分钟。Sch to开头的句子是什么句型??让我高兴的是,1可以做状语,2


标签: to开头的句子用法



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