
to do表目的例句,to do作结果状语例子

to do表目的和表将来的区别 2022-12-26 05:05 897 墨鱼
to do表目的和表将来的区别

to do表目的例句,to do作结果状语例子

1. The Company was in a strait for they had only twenty-four hours more in which to complete their c,就是目的状语,为了2)不定式可以作结果状语,表示某个行为的结果等。这样的不定式,常用于too to; only to; enough to; so as to 等结构当中。1995年真题例句:consta

That tool is too heavy to lift directly. 那件工具太重,不能直接举起。③表示目的They went there to work to overcome these difficulties. 那时他们是为着解决这些困难去那To know something about English is one thing;to know English is quite another. 懂一点英语是一回事;掌握英语完全是另一回事。上面两句中位于句首的不定式不是目的状语,而是主语。请再看下

1.I stayed there to see what would happen.2.To record press both buttons. 3.To avoid any delay please phone your order direct.1例句1.The best way to improto do叫动词不定式常来作目的状语修饰动词.如I came to see you.he often go to see his grandmother.we gathered on the playground to play basketball.

……so as to do……为了快点,不要让你妈妈久等了。Let's hurry up so as not to make your mother wait too long. 我解释清楚这件事以免引起误会。I explain this thing clearly only to find不表目的,表示令人吃惊,令人失望的事情。I tried calling you tonight only to find that I was not allowed to make that call. 我今晚给你打电话,却发现我不能打

≥▽≤ 1)目的状语,l just call to say I love you。to say修饰动词call,所以做状语)2)作结果状语,Now everything I do is close to my dream. I feel life is fill with hope and is colorful, and I have enough confidence to realize my dream. 翻译: 在我心目中,每个


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